Extreme Fabrication Agency
About Rolling Seven
At Rolling Seven we understand that physical form is the leading edge of thought.
We are a skunkworks style custom fabrication agency for events, venues, & brands.
We seek and curate unfair advantages for our clients and partners.
We excavate hidden talent - that which simply cannot be found, but must be uncovered.
We research, investigate, and reverse engineer to unveil the point of origin and to expose the source of all things amazing.
We vet unique capabilities and maintain relationships which grant us access to such.
We combine the greatest creators in the World to execute in far superior ways than they themselves could ever achieve individually.
Much like life itself, we know the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
We are gatekeepers to the elite!
If you bend rules…
If you break boundaries…
If you strive to live on the forefront of innovation...
If you desire to shatter World records…
If you are unhampered by bureaucracy…
If you are unwavering in your vision…
If you are “in” at all costs…
If you trade risk for ultimate reward...
Then we should know each other - maybe even work together!
When others simply “can’t” or “won’t” - implore us to achieve your “impossible.”
We will exhaust every option until breakthrough.
It’s time to start Rolling Seven!

About Our Founder
At 28 years old, Ed had emergency open heart surgery.
Eleven hours later he emerged a survivor of a septuple heart bypass.
That’s 7 bypasses - medically unheard of.
It’s no question where his sense of urgency to deliver comes from!
7 years later (2021), he invites you to roll seven with him!
Ed sincerely loves the events industry and dares you to:
Bring your “impossible.”
Ed Baker
Rolling Seven, LLC